Sunday, March 7, 2010

Where in the world is your non-profit?

One of the newest social media tools to catch on is 4-Square. The user sets up an account and then “checks in” to different companies using the GPS on their mobile device. For instance, if you went to the coffee shop down the street, you would check in using 4-Square. You could then see who else had checked-in in the businesses around you. You can also see who has been dubbed “Mayor” of the business you checked in to. This is the person who has checked in the most.
For profit companies (like coffee shops) have a pretty easy connection to 4-square. They can give prizes to the “Mayor”, then can give a small discount to anyone who checks in, etc.
How can nonprofits use this to their advantage then? Most nonprofits do not have a place where people frequently go—like a coffee shop or a grocery store. At a fundraising event, they can give prizes to anyone who checks in. They can partner with a local business who can give a penny for every person that uses 4-Square to check in.
It will be interesting to see whether or not 4-Square is something that takes off, or whether it will be a flash in the pan, and fizzle out quickly. I don’t think that this should be one of the first social media presences for a nonprofit, but if an organization already has established itself with social media and wants to know another tool that they can use, 4-Square could be a great thing to “check” out!

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